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Evaluation of Brazilian Primary Health Care From the Perspective of the Users

Accessible, Continuous, and Acceptable?

Abstract: The objective of this study was to examine the experience of primary care center (PCC) users in Brazil, classified according to the quality of its structure, in relation to the aspects of accessibility, continuity, and acceptability. The source of information was the National Program to Improve Access and Quality of Primary Care in 2013-2014. A total of 109 919 interviewees in 24 055 PCCs comprised the sample. Results show that the structure of a PCC was associated
with better indicators of accessibility (oral health and medicines) and continuity of care (patient navigation in the health system). No association was found between indicators of accessibility and
the PCC structure.

Key words: assessment, health policy, primary health care, quality of health



Márcia Cristina Rodrigues Fausto, PhD;

Aylene Bousquat, PhD; Juliana Gagno Lima, MSc;

Ligia Giovanella, PhD; Patty Fidelis de Almeida, PhD;

Maria Helena Magalhães de Mendonça, PhD;

Helena Seidl, MSc; Andréa Tenório Correia da Silva, PhD


Leia article20_03_2017

Rede APS