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Second Global Symposium on Health Systems Research

Link: http://www.hsr-symposium.org
Local: Beijing – China
The Symposium will focus on the science to accelerate universal health coverage around the world. It will cover three main themes:
Knowledge Translation
State-of-the-Art Health Systems Research
Health Systems Research Methodologies
There will also be three cross-cutting themes:
Innovations in Health Systems Research
Neglected Priorities or Populations in Health Systems Research
Financing and Capacity Building for Health Systems Research

Call for Session Proposals & Individual Abstracts
You are invited to submit an abstract for an oral presentation, a poster or a film! For more information go to: http://hsr2012.abstractsubmit.org/
Important Deadlines
Organized Sessions: 15 March 2012
Individual Abstracts: 1 May 2012

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